Students are invited to test drive our eCourses! Get familiar with course structure and online learning by using our preview-style test drive feature. Examine course content with an introductory e-book before purchasing the eCourse. View a sample eCourse, digi-eCourse and digi-eCourse with video below.

How to Answer Questions

Each answer blank is a data field. The field should show up as a blue box. Click in the field and type your answer. Use the tab key to move from field to field.


To save your answers prior to finishing the course:

1. Simply click the ‘Save Answers’ button. In the ‘Save As’ window that appears, click to the location where you want the filed saved at. Then click ‘Save’.


This two page sample e-Book is for testing purpose only. In order to download the full e-Book for this course, click the blue button on the left hand side. We recommend that you keep this e-Book for your personal library.


This exam covers NTB111—New Testament Survey. This is an open book exam and you will need a minimum of 80% to pass this eCourse. You will need to read Introduction to New Testament Survey. This exam is used for testing purposes only.

If for any reason, you cannot open the e-Book and Exam, please click the Adobe Acrobat Reader link and it will take you to their site. Once on the site, click the download link to begin your free installation.

Please read the following before downloading the e-Book and exam.

The digi-e-Course will not work unless you use a password. The password for the digi-e-Course is Jude.


This twelve-page sample e-Book is for testing purpose only. In order to download the full e-Book for this course, click the blue button on the left hand side. We recommend that you keep this e-Book for your personal library.


This short video and quiz covers NTB111—New Testament Survey. This is an open book exam and you will need a minimum of 80% to pass this eCourse. This quiz is used for testing purposes only.

If for any reason, you cannot open the e-Book and Exam, please click the Adobe Acrobat Reader link and it will take you to their site. Once on the site, click the download link to begin your free installation.

Please read the following before using the Digi-e-Course.

How to use Digi-e-Course with video.

After clicking the Digi-eCourse link, click on the play button on the bottom of the screen to start. After watching the short video, you will be able to take a short quiz. If you need to go back to watch the video again, just click the back button. 


View a short sample video and try out a ten question practice quiz. This exam preview is for testing purpose only. In order to take the full exam for this course, click the blue button on the left hand side.


This exam covers NTB111—New Testament Survey. This is an open book exam and you will need a minimum of 80% to pass this eCourse. You will need to read Introduction to New Testament Survey. This exam is used for testing purposes only.

If for any reason, you cannot open the e-Book and Exam, please click the Adobe Acrobat Reader link and it will take you to their site. Once on the site, click the download link to begin your free installation.

Please read the following before downloading the e-Book and exam.