- BSC-1053 Prayer Essentials
- This is a course that gives a step-by-step guide to building a church that prays. Gives methods to intentionally build prayer into the life and structure of the church.
- BSC-1013 Old Testament Survey
- The text of this course is a widely used narrative survey of the Old Testament. This study is for college freshmen and sophomores whose primary educational modality has been visual. It is also used as a refresher for established Christians who may be entering higher levels of study, but have not formally taken a course like this one.
- BSC-1023 New Testament Survey
- This course is a most enlightening look not only of the written Word of the New Testament, but for the examination of backgrounds and historical accounts of leaders of relevant eras. The text is excellent. It is clearly written and makes abundant use of visuals.
- BSC-1033 Basic Christian Theology
- A study that introduces the major doctrines of the Christian faith by showing how these doctrines answer questions that arise naturally in the minds of individuals. It is an excellent core for many areas of advanced study.
- CC-3343 Renewing of the Mind
- This course is a tape series by Dr. M.R. Burckley. It gives the student practical application as well as instructional insight to help achieve a renewed mind in Christ.
- CC-33203 Healing for Victims of Abuse
- Victims of abuse – any abuse – need to know how other people have made it through the recovery process. A victim of incest herself, the author of the text understands the myriad emotions that victims struggle with and offers ten proven steps toward recovery.
- MIN–3283 From Stress to Well-being
- Today’s society propels Americans toward ever-increasing stress levels. This course addresses the importance of trusting God, reducing stressors, and leading a mentally and physically healthy Christian life.
- CER-2023 The Effective Minister of Education
- This course contains essential information for those preparing to serve as a director of education. It discusses the calling, the qualifications, the roles, the responsibilities and the rewards of Christian Education.
- CER-2043 Counseling Troubled Teens
- This course is designed to be a guide for those in training for pastoral ministry and youth work, as well as a practical resource for women and men involved in ministry with teens and their families. It offers information about the important role clergy serve in the mental health care of families with teens.
- ADM-8013 Handling and Avoiding Church Debt
- Unlocking the jail cell of debt, this course gives suggestions on specific ways churches can speed up debt-reduction, expand ministries without taking on more debt, and stay financially free. Surveys scripture for advice to the church that seeks to borrow or lend.
Christian Workers Certificate 30 Hours
- BSC-1053 Prayer Essentials
- For course description, please see Pastoral Certificate above
- BSC-1013 Old Testament Survey
- For course description, please see Pastoral Certificate above
- BSC-1023 New Testament Survey
- For course description, please see Pastoral Certificate above
- BSC-1033 Basic Christian Theology
- For course description, please see Pastoral Certificate above
- CC-33193 Holding on to your God Given Dreams
- This course is a taped series by Dr. M.R. Burckley. Sometimes even God given dreams seem to fade with time. This course is designed to help the Christian realize that God’s promises are forever.
- CER-2023 The Effective Minister of Education
- This course contains essential information for those preparing to serve as a director of education. It discusses the calling, the qualifications, the roles, the responsibilities and the rewards of Christian Education.
- TH-3153 God’s Truth vs Lies we Believe
- This taped series by Dr. M.R. Burckley is so broad that any attempt to summarize would not do justice to the work. In a word, Burckley establishes that traditions and customs of man may not line up with God’s truth.
- CER-2053 Understanding World Religions
- This course is an indispensable guide for students, ministers, church leaders and laypersons who want to begin a journey into understanding the beliefs and practices of religious people around the world.
- TH-3133 Church Administration I
- An investigation into basic leadership skills and a study of the application in the life of the vocational Christian worker.
- MIN-3213 Christian Social Ministry
- The text of this course is biblically rooted, historically informed, theologically thorough, and eminently practical. It deals with contemporary social issues using Christian ministry.
Biblical Studies Certificate30 Hours
- BSC-1053 Prayer Essentials
- For course description, please see Pastoral Certificate above
- BSC-1013 Old Testament Survey
- For course description, please see Pastoral Certificate above
- BSC-1023 New Testament Survey
- For course description, please see Pastoral Certificate above
- BSC-1033 Basic Christian Theology
- For course description, please see Pastoral Certificate above
- CER-2023 The Effective Minister of Education
- This course contains essential information for those preparing to serve as a director of education. It discusses the calling, the qualifications, the roles, the responsibilities and the rewards of Christian Education.
- BIB-30123 Chronology of Christ
- Studies Scripture and extra-biblical sources to determine key dates in the life of Christ. Examines the date of his birth, the commencement of his ministry, the duration of his ministry, the day and year of his crucifixion. Bibliography and index. Biblical Studies, Life and Teachings of Christ
- BIB-30143 Sermon on the Mount
- This audio taped course by Dr. Dana Carpenter goes into the depths of the teachings of Christ during the Sermon on the Mount.
- BIB-30133 The Works of Jesus
- This course traces the events of Jesus’ life from his birth to his ascension. It frequently cites the best of other works written about Christ. It contains an expanded outline of the life of Christ, historical and geographical background material, indexes, and studies on the Life and Teachings of Christ.
- BIB-3003 Origins of the Bible
- The text of this course includes over 300 pages of facts, historical tracings and references concerning the origin of the biblical canon. The student will gain valuable insight and respect for those who paid great prices to follow God’s plan of recording His Holy Word.
- BIB-1023 Biblical Geography
- This course is designed for students at any level. It gives a geographical look at Bible places, past and present. The textbook presents artists’ reconstructions which portray fourteen sites from the Old and the New Testaments – including Jericho and the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem – as they looked in biblical and modern times.
Christian Chaplaincy Certificate Program 30 Hours
Bachelor’s degree of Christian Chaplaincy
Prerequisite or Postrequisite: General Ministerial License or Ordination (If you have not been licensed or ordained prior to enrolling, you must apply to Concepts of Freedom Ministries or another recognized Christian organization for a license before the completion of the certificate program)
- BSC-1053 Prayer Essentials
- This is a course that gives a step-by-step guide to building a church that prays. Gives methods to intentionally build prayer into the life and structure of the church as well as personal life. The text for this course was written by President Church who was healed from terminal cancer.
- BSC-1023 New Testament Survey
- This course is a most enlightening look not only of the written Word of the New Testament, but for the examination of backgrounds and historical accounts of leaders of relevant eras. The text is excellent. It is clearly written and makes abundt use of visuals.
- Min-3213 Social Ministry
- The text of this course is biblically rooted, historically informed, theologically thorough, and eminently practical. It deals with contemporary social issues using Christian ministry.
- CC-7214 Intrinsic Healing II
- When the world makes no sense there are biblical solutions for struggles with depression, anxiety, panic, addictions and guilt. Solutions lie in the development of basic undeveloped tasks that you may have failed to complete when growing up and tasks that bring changes that heal. Offers help in taking on the likeness of the one that created you.
- CER-2063 Fundamentals of Correctional Chaplaincy I
- This course provides an overview for psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, clergy, corrections professionals, and volunteers of the role that chaplains play in assisting prison management in the rehabilitation of offenders in addition to their ministerial and administrative responsibilities.
- CER-2073 Fundamentals of Correctional Chaplaincy II
- Personal, authentic, and real emotions play out as Fundamentals of Correctional Chaplaincy II discusses the issue of church and state and the phenomenon of finding religion in prison. The text addresses in detail the prison formerly known as America’s bloodiest prison, the 18,000 acres that comprise Louisiana’s Angola State Penitentiary are now home to 5,000 inmates, a full range of seasonal crops, a 9-hole golf course, yearly rodeos, a Bible seminary, a museum, and much more.
- CER-2083 Fundamentals of Correctional Chaplaincy III
- This course provides an alternative resource on our prison system for chaplains, pastors, priests, and students working in theology, ethics, or counseling. Instead of the usual descriptive narratives of inmates’ lives or discussions of statistical approaches, this unique course combines a theological model with a viable programmatic approach to confront the oppression of incarceration and reverse its effects. It looks at the vital issues facing juveniles in the criminal justice system (the transition from county jail to a correctional facility, victimization, rejection, under-stimulation, homosexual rape) and examines the creation of non-threatening niches to address coping structures needed to move toward forgiveness and reconciliation.
- CER-2093 Fundamentals of Correctional Chaplaincy IV
- For most Christians, prison culture is like visiting a foreign land, and the thought of ministering in prisons to those incarcerated is an intimidating prospect. This course will empower any pastor, educator, or lay leader in doing effective prison ministry by providing a thorough “inside-out” view of prison life.
- CER-20103 The Chaplain as Caregiver I: Ministry to Those in Hospitals and Nursing Homes
- The text for this course is afield manual for giving pastoral care to the sick. In addition to general hospital visitation information, special sections describe the emotional and spiritual needs of patients with a wide variety of illnesses and highlight the therapeutic value of using appropriate humor. Includes Scripture passages, prayers, and hospital service suggestions.
- CER-20113 The Chaplain as Spiritual Caregiver II: Where Is God when People Hurt?
- The Chaplain as a Spiritual Caregiver II offers guidance on caring for a patient’s soul using a revised and expanded guide for anyone who provides care to those who are suffering.
Christian Worker’s Certificate Program
for the Visually Impaired
- 45 Hours All Courses are on AudioTapes Oral Testing
- Steps to entering this program:1. You must answer “yes” to at least one of the following questions.2. Enclose a note with your application package explaining which of the following applies to you.3. Select the Christian Worker’s Certificate option on your application
___ Are you are legally blind? (Your vision in the better eye is 20/200 or less with correcting glasses, or your widest diameter of visual field is no greater than 20 degrees.)___ Is your vision impaired to the point that you cannot see well enough or focus long enough to read standard print, although you wear glasses to correct your vision?___ Are you unable to handle print books or turn pages because of a physical handicap, even temporarily?___ Have you been certified by a medical doctor as having a reading disability due to an organic dysfunction that is severe enough to prevent you from reading in the usual manner?
- CC-33193TP Holding on to your God Given Dreams
- This course is a taped series by Dr. M.R. Burckley. Sometimes even God given dreams seem to fade with time. This course is designed to help the Christian realize that God’s promises are forever.
- BSC-1063TP Spiritual Warfare
- This is a taped course by Dr. Dana Carpenter. It is not the same as BSC-1063, but works as a replacement. Spiritual warfare is an area that is often ignored, but every Christian should realize that they are fighting battles daily against the enemy and his influences.
- TH-3153TP God’s Truth vs. Lies we Believe
- This taped series by Dr. M.R. Burckley is so broad that any attempt to summarize would not do justice to the work. In a word, Burckley establishes that traditions and customs of man may not line up with God’s truth.
- CC-33223TP Song of Solomon
- A taped course in the style of Dr. Dana Carpenter. This course covers probably the most controversial book in the Bible. The Song of Solomon is often misunderstood and misinterpreted even to the point that many would like it removed and declared non-canonical.
- CC-3343TP Renewing of the Mind
- This course is a tape series by Dr. M.R. Burckley. It gives the student practical application as well as instructional insight to help achieve a renewed mind in Christ.
- BIB-30203 The Epistology of James
- A study of James, half brother of Jesus. James is an enigmatic and puzzling work, but with proper exegetic it provides the Christian worker with a multi-dimensional look at the nature of apostates and instructions on how to deal with them. An audio taped series in the style of Dr. Dana Carpenter.
- BIB-30223 The Epistology of Jude
- Jude dwells in the shadows, but this audio taped course by Dr. Dana Carpenter approaches the study from a spiritual and literary-rhetorical standpoint with a lively and sure hand. His exegesis is comprehensive and adept. Jude’s subject matter gives the evidence of evil works and beliefs as a proof of false faith.
- BIB-30233TP Ecclesiastes
- No course description available at this time
- BIB-30143TP Sermon on the Mount
- This audio taped course by Dr. Dana Carpenter goes into the depths of the teachings of Christ during the Sermon on the Mount. This course is not only an in-depth study of Jesus’ teachings, but it is also a course that will lift up and encourage.
- BIB-30273TP Eschatology III
- No course description available at this time
- BIB-30283TP Spiritual Laws
- No course description available at this time
- CC-33243TP Counseling Ethics II
- No course description available at this time
- CC-33253TP Supernatural Living
- No course description available at this time
- CC-33263TP Equipping Saints to Counsel
- No course description available at this time
- CC-33273TP Life-Healing Changes
- No course description available at this time
Associate of Christian Studies Track Track 39 Hours – Total Hours Required 60 (less LMWT Credits) Prerequisite: Core Curriculum if required – for details Hours required over the track are made up of life/work/ministry (LWMT) credits, prerequisites and electives. (This degree track is designed for those who do not want to major in a particular area)
- The student’s choice of elective courses to equal the total hours required to satisfy credit hour requirements.
Associate of Ministry Track Track 39 Hours – Total Hours Required 60 (less LMWT Credits) Prerequisite: Core Curriculum if required – for details Hours required over the track are made up of life/work/ministry (LWMT) credits, prerequisites and electives.
- MIN-1013 Introduction to Missions
- This course seeks to guide missionaries (1) to understand the purposes of God that empowers missions; (2) to discern personal motives for carrying out that mission; (3) to learn how to be learners of a new culture and many other necessary segments of information that is essential to the missionary.
- MIN-1023 Introduction to Youth Ministry
- Today’s pastor must have a working knowledge of youth ministry. This course is designed for anyone with a heart for working with children of all ages. Details of youth ministry are carefully examined.
- MIN-1033 The Ministry of Education
- This course contains essential information for those preparing to serve as a director of education. It discusses the calling, the qualifications, the roles, the responsibilities and the rewards of Christian Education.
- MIN-1043 Applied Systematic Theology
- An excellent course for discussions of Bible Doctrines at the introductory college level.
- MIN-1053 Introduction to Evangelism
- A detailed, but introductory, study of evangelism. This course embraces evangelism as a necessary ingredient to effective ministry. It is a front line look at this often neglected part of the local church.
- MIN-1063 Church Growth
- Most pastors and church leaders want growth. They have tried program after program, often with limited success. This course is designed to guide toward healthy and sustained growth.
- MIN-1073 Expository Preaching
- This course shows that followers of Jesus, the Prince of preachers, must understand the necessity of walking as men and women of God, they must understand preparation and sermon delivery and finally, they must understand the breadth of the Word they are proclaiming. This is a primer for every preacher.
- MIN-1083 Family Ministry
- This course is a guide to a church’s family ministry. It deals with strong as well as dysfunctional families and contains theological and biblical discussions of some of the major issues in marriage and family along with practical guidelines for most aspects of parenting and marriage.
- MIN-1093 Eschatology
- This course is based on the thesis that eschatology deals only with the end, the last day, the last war. It shows that Christian eschatology has nothing to do with the apocalypse, but is about new creation.
- MIN-10103 Ministry for Bereavement
- A pace setting course on bereavement ministry. The programs outlined helps clergy or lay ministers to effectively deal with to those who, for whatever reason, are working their way through the grieving process.
- MIN-10113 The Pastor Under Fire
- Thousands of ministers are being driven from the ministry (and church) each year by destructive antagonists.
This course offers remedial strategies for pastors and congregations who want to protect themselves against the abuse of parishioners with personality disorders, mental illnesses, and mean streaks in situations that go well beyond mere church conflict.
- MIN-10123 Foundations of Christian Education
- With the unified vision of a Christian education faculty committed to integrating academic theory with ministry application, this course invites you to tour the Christian education field as it approaches the twenty-first century
- MIN-10123 Free Elective
Bachelor of Christian Studies TrackTrack 39 Hours
- –
Total Hours Required 120
- (less LMWT Credits)
Prerequisite: Core Curriculum if required – Click here for details
- Hours required over the track are made up of life/work/ministry (LWMT) credits, prerequisites and electives.
(This degree track is designed for those who do not want to major in a particular area)
- The student’s choice of elective courses to equal the total hours required to satisfy credit hour requirements.
Bachelor Biblical Studies TrackTrack 39 Hours
- –
Total Hours Required 120
- (less LMWT Credits)
Prerequisite: Core Curriculum if required – Click here for details
- Hours required over the track are made up of life/work/ministry (LWMT) credits, prerequisites and electives.
- BIB-1023 Biblical Geography
- This course is designed for students at any level. It gives a geographical look at Bible places, past and present. The textbook presents artists’ reconstructions which portray fourteen sites from the Old and the New Testaments — including Jericho and the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem–as they looked in biblical and modern times.
- BIB-3003 Origins of the Bible
- The text of this course includes over 300 pages of facts, historical tracings and references concerning the origin of the biblical canon. The student will gain valuable insight and respect for those who paid great prices to follow God’s plan of recording His Holy Word.
- BIB-3013 The Identity of Jesus
- Jesus and His claims are the heart of Christianity. The four Gospels are the most significant sources of information about Jesus. This course gives a survey of the life and teaching of Christ — drawing on the four Gospels.
- BIB-3023 New Testament Background
- A core study used widely at both the college and seminary levels. Designed to alert students to key issues in each chapter of the text. The book provides end-of-chapter reviews and shows connections between material in different chapters.
- BIB-3033 Old Testament Theology
- This course is a modified systematic model for use as a core text in the study of Theology. The text is up-to-date, readable and user friendly.
- BIB-3043 Hermeneutics
- This course textbook is a trendsetter in hermeneutics. Today’s Christian element demands concise and complete hermeneutical teachings. The student will piece together the elements of Biblical interpretation that will add depth and accuracy to the message, lesson or devotion.
- BIB-3053 Doctrines of Christian Faith
- A presentation of the key doctrines of the Christian faith. Designed as a core text for introductory courses in Christian theology and doctrine.
- BIB-3063 History of Evangelism
- The text for this course is an interesting and highly readable account of the history of evangelism. This course is a must for pastors, missionaries and especially those with a call for evangelism. It is commonly used in Bible colleges around the world.
- BIB-3073 Understanding the Bible
- This course offers a comprehensive overview of the Bible. Gaining an understanding of the context helps the novice scripture reader get the most from readings. It leads the reader through exercises designed to facilitate a correct understand of God’s Word.
- BIB-3083 Christology
- Upon the completion of this course the student will be familiar with the fundamental teaching of Christology. The student will have a better understanding of the relationship of Christ to the Godhead, His Deity as it related to the virgin birth, incarnation, transfiguration, death, burial and resurrection. The student will also become familiar with Christ’s relationship to key events in the Old and New Testaments and understand how these events are important to the message of the Gospel.
- BIB-3093 Introduction to Hebrew Prophets
- Introduction to Hebrew Prophets is a course that deals with the Hebrew prophets as preachers and ministers who carried the awesome responsibility of funneling God’s spoken word to mankind. It offers information that is a key to a sound education in Biblical Studies.
- BIB-30103 Skills of Bible Reading
- The course provides keys to interpreting the genre and discusses the hermeneutical questions it raises for today’s Christian. The text is about hermeneutics without jargon or footnotes. It is very readable and student friendly.
- BIB-30123 Free Elective
- or
- BIB-30143 Sermon on the Mount
- This is a course offered on 12 audio tapes that looks in great detail at the most notable sermon ever preached. The Sermon on the Mount is a must for every person who is searching for a broad and diverse understanding of the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is delivered in easily understood dialog in the professional style of Dr. Dana Carpenter.
Christian Education Teacher’s Certificate(Proctored Testing) 8 hours Prerequisite: Degree in Christian Education or a related field Back to the Top
- EDC-9014 Advanced Christian Education Methodology I
- This course takes the student through a five step process of biblical lesson preparation. The five steps not only include Bible study, but also help to take the message of the passage and make it relevant to contemporary Christian education. It teaches lesson structure, evaluation and actual teaching processes.
- EDC-9014 Advanced Christian Education Methodology II
- An advanced course that covers the nature of Christian education as it relates to the serious teacher. It take the teaching-learning process and relates to the scriptures and the church. Advanced Christian Education Methodology II is a must for all pastors, teachers and Christian educators who are seeking excellence.
International Christian Counselors Alliance Certificate Program (Proctored Testing) 8 hours Prerequisite: Degree in Christian Counseling Back to the Top
- ICA-9114 Counseling Therapy I
- This course offers a unique and through study that successfully accomplishes a full integration of psychology and theology with a goal of endorsing biblical insights that can guide Christ-centered counseling for Christian professionals and counselors.
- ICA-9124 Counseling Therapy II
- This course is a model of the Christian counselor’s love for the client. It teaches that nouthetic Counseling is a combination of therapy and instruction based upon the authority of the Bible. The text for this course offers more than 500 pages of superbly prepared Christian counseling information.